9 Interesting Facts About Hamsters

9 Interesting Facts About Hamsters

Hamsters are fun, furry little creatures that can make great pets for any age. They are adorable and cuddly, which makes them an excellent choice for children’s pets. Unlike most rodents, they really don’t get all that big, so they don’t require much space to live in-which is perfect if you’re living in an apartment or house.

They are very social animals that love to play, eat hay, and run around in a safe area. If you have one or more hamsters at home, they will need a proper clean place all the time. However, there are many interesting facts related to rabbits, and here we will discuss the 10 most interesting facts related to hamsters.

1.     They were discovered in Syria

Hamsters were discovered almost 100 years ago. The most popular pet hamster is the Syrian variety, which can be found all over America. This small furry creature has been around for a long time and was originally from Syria. Syrian hamsters are the most adorable little creatures you’ll ever meet. They’re also known as golden or teddy bear-hamster. These furry guys live on average 2 – 3 years and grow up to about six inches long.

2.     Hamsters are nocturnal

A hamster’s life is one of hiding and running for safety. They are mainly nocturnal animals, spending their days huddled in dark corners or burrows to avoid being detected by snakes while they come out at night in search of their meal. Hamsters are solitary animals that spend most of their time in a deep tunnel with multiple entrances to protect themselves and sleep during bouts. Hamster behavior may seem strange at first glance, but it makes sense to consider how they’re adapted from their traditional hunting methods as prey creatures.

3.     Hamsters are banned in Hawaii

Hamsters have been illegal in Hawaii for centuries, given their high reproductive rate and the fact that they’re from a climate similar to what these animals experience. Hamsters are among the most prolific of all domesticated rodents. They’re not content to live out their days in isolation, though; if given enough room, they’ll quickly establish large colonies that can seriously jeopardize agriculture and other species on this continent. Other animals that are included in the list of banned animals are snakes, hummingbirds, hermit crabs, gerbils, and salamanders.

4.     Hamsters are promiscuous

Hamsters are polygynandrous, both male and females, which means they each have multiple mates. For them, the breeding season starts as soon as warm weather comes in order for males to take their place on top of every other burrow with a select set of females that will be there waiting when he arrives or vice versa. If she’s already been mated by somebody else, it just so happens than a copulatory plug to prevent further mating. Female hamsters give birth to two to four litter a year.

5.     Their teeth grow throughout their life

Hamsters have a unique way of keeping their teeth in check. They use an intense chewing action that grinds away at the root, preventing overgrowth and aiding with gnawing strength. Scientists studying teeth in rats have discovered that they contain stem cells in the incisors, which can regrow new ones. Scientists are trying to use this procedure in humans to regrow their teeth. However, there is a commercially available toy by Millamore balls that helps keep the growth of teeth in check.

6.     Hamsters transmit bacterial and viral diseases

Hamsters are cute, but they also carry salmonella. These bacteria can make you sick if your child ingests any of the things infected by this bacteria. While rare in adults and children over the age of six years old is very susceptible to lymphatic choriomeningitis virus, which could result in flu-like symptoms– pregnant or recently delivered women may be at even greater risk due to their weakened immune systems

While the most common ways that zoonotic diseases are transferred: from hamsters and other rodents is through bites, direct contact with an animal’s skin/fur, or sharing food items like bedding.

7.     They hoard food

Hamsters are ingenious little creatures. They build their own tiny houses to store food in, just like humans eat. There’s no need for them to go without anything they love if you’ve got a hamster on your hands because this furry animal has a fantastic invention: The cheek pouches or “totes.” When it comes time for rations storage, they can store a lot of food in their tiny cheeks. When they return to their burrows than they keep their food in there. Another use of cheeks is that hamsters can inflate their cheeks to help them float on water for short periods of time.

8.     Hamsters are fast runners

Hamsters run very fast, their hind legs are very powerful, and it helps them run forward and backward. Hamsters can run for almost 5 miles a day, and this running is necessary to keep them healthy. The reason is that after eating a lot of food, if they stay idol, they will suffer from obesity and other health problems.

9.     Hamsters are endangered

The European hamster, once common in Europe, has been critically endangered for some time. It was subsumed under the category “critically” because populations have declined by over 80%. There’s concern that it may soon be extinct due to habitat loss or fragmentation from human development projects such as building towns around cities, making natural areas less accessible. Hamsters can be saved. When conservation measures were put in place, the population decreased, but it started recovering after a few years of success.

The one thing we need now is for people across Europe to commit themselves as much, or even more, than governments do so far. If these creatures have any chance to survive into our future generation, we have to give them a natural habitat for survival.


Get to know your hamster friend with these fascinating facts. From the way, they reproduce to their intelligence and lifespan. Hopefully, this will help you appreciate them even more than before.

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