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Millamore uus granuleeritud täissööt põhineb timutiheinal ning on kiudainerikas, gluteenivaba ning ilma kunstlike värvi- ja lõhna- ja maitseaineteta.

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100% naturaalne –
tervislik ja turvaline

Jäätmevaba &
bioenergiast tootmine

Loomaarstid & loomakaitsespetsialistid soovitavad

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Millamore on juba üle 40 aasta pühendunud väikeloomade heaolule, pakkudes 100% looduslikku allapanu, pesamaterjali, mänguasju ning jänese- ja meriseasööta. Millamore tooteid müüakse rohkem kui 25 riigis ning meil on karvaseid sõpru ja fänne üle kogu maailma. Töötame jätkuvalt välja põnevaid ja ohutuid tooteid, mis toimivad hästi, parandavad loomade heaolu ning rikastavad loomade ja nende perede elu.

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Meie eesmärgiks on alati olnud pakkuda lemmikloomadele ja nende omanikele looduslikku ja tervislikku elu. Oleme alustanud koostööd Loodushoiu Fond SA-ga, mille raames panustame Euroopa Komisjoni kliimapakti ja üleskutsesse istutada Euroopasse 3 miljardit puud. Saame uhkusega öelda, et Millamore meeskond istutab aastas üle 5000 puu.

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Millamore soft and dust free nestpads for hamsters, guinea pigs, rats and birds is perfect for nest building and shelter during resting and sleeping.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #smallpet #nestpads
Have a funny day!  #millamore #millamorehappypet #smallpet #rabbit #bunny #joke
Nourish your rabbits, guinea pigs, degus, and chinchillas with Millamore Timothy Hay, a natural source of essential fiber.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #timothyhay #smallpet
MILLAMORE toys and accessories are washable and reusable up to 14 times.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #smallpet #guineapig #toys
Make sure you’re wearing some sunglasses and join in the fun of National Sunglasses Day 😎. #millamore #millamorehappypet #bunnylove #smallpet #sunglasses
Wooden toys are safe to gnaw on and a form of
entertainment for your pet!  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #gnawingbricks #hamstergram
A good amount of quality bedding will go a long way to ensure that your pet stays happy and healthy!  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #smallpet #natural
Today is clean your aquarium day!  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #aquarium #smallpet
Vist our webshop>millamore.com  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #millamorefeed #smallpet
MILLAMORE natural toys provide a variety of nesting, shelter and chewing options.  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #toys #mouse #smallpet
Degus love sand baths! After a busy day of burrowing and exploring, degus like nothing better than a good sand bath. They dislike water and trying to wash them in this way will cause them great stress. Sand or dust baths are a super-efficient way of removing dirt and absorbing oil from their coats. You should offer your pet a sand bath three times a week and your four-legged friend will appreciate a bath after being handled too.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #degus #smallpet
Discover the premium choice for your Guinea pigs and Rabbits with Millamore Extruded Complete Feed. Based on natural Timothy hay, the gluten-free formula is rich in fiber, free from artificial colors and flavors, ensuring a wholesome diet.  #millamore #millamorefeed #millamorehappypet #guineapig #rabbit
MILLAMORE – all you need for the happiness and well-being of your little friend!💚. #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorefeed #millamorehappypet #smallpet
Fun Facts About Parrot 🦜. #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #parrot
Millamore Timothy hay - nourish your rabbits, guinea pigs, degus, and chinchillas with Millamore Timothy Hay, a natural source of essential fiber.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #hay #smallpet
Today is Eat More Fruits Day! We believe including fresh fruits and veggies in the diet is necessary for a healthy life. 🍏🥕. #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #fruit #veggi #smallpet
Nesting material is very important for all small rodents – they need places where they feel protected and comfortable.  #millamore #millamorebedding #hamster #nesting #smallpet #millamorehappypet
Have a Terrific Tuesday😀. #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #rat #tuesday #joke
Happy Mother’s Day💚. #millamore  #millamorehappypet #smallpet #mothersday #bunnylove
Millamore feed will help provide your pet with essential protein, fiber, nutrients and vitamins that are required to keep their teeth, skin and bones healthy. Therefore, this feed is a great addition to your pets’ everyday hay and vegetable diet.  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #guineapig #rabbit


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