100% naturaalne –
tervislik ja turvaline
Jäätmevaba &
bioenergiast tootmine
Loomaarstid & loomakaitsespetsialistid soovitavad

Millamore on juba üle 40 aasta pühendunud väikeloomade heaolule, pakkudes 100% looduslikku allapanu, pesamaterjali, mänguasju ning jänese- ja meriseasööta. Millamore tooteid müüakse rohkem kui 25 riigis ning meil on karvaseid sõpru ja fänne üle kogu maailma. Töötame jätkuvalt välja põnevaid ja ohutuid tooteid, mis toimivad hästi, parandavad loomade heaolu ning rikastavad loomade ja nende perede elu.

Anname metsale tagasi
Meie eesmärgiks on alati olnud pakkuda lemmikloomadele ja nende omanikele looduslikku ja tervislikku elu. Oleme alustanud koostööd Loodushoiu Fond SA-ga, mille raames panustame Euroopa Komisjoni kliimapakti ja üleskutsesse istutada Euroopasse 3 miljardit puud. Saame uhkusega öelda, et Millamore meeskond istutab aastas üle 5000 puu.

Did you know that rodents’ teeth grow continuously? Millamore chew sticks help naturally wear down their teeth, keeping them at the right length and sharpness. Made from safe, natural wood, they’re perfect for your pet’s dental health and enjoyment! #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #rabbit #teeth #chewstick
Nov. 6

Discover the premium choice for your rabbit of dwarf rabbit with Millamore Extruded Complete Feed. Based on natural Timothy hay, the gluten-free formula is rich in fiber, free from artificial colors and flavors, ensuring a wholesome diet. #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #rabbit #bunnylove #smallpet
Okt. 30

Why choose Millamore bedding and nesting material?
Dust free
100% natural from Aspen
High absorbency
High odor control
Biodegradable and compostable
No chemical additives and leftovers
Laboratory tested
Recommended by vets and animal welfare professionals
FSC certification guaranteeing responsible and sustainable forest management #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #aspen #natural #nesting #smallpet
Okt. 16

A 100% natural Millamore Comfort Plus shave bedding and litter made from Aspen wood in a convenient 25L pressed package. Suitable for rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice, degus, chinchillas, ferrets, birds, and reptiles. #millamore #millamorebedding #natural #aspen #smallpet #millamorehappypet
Sept. 25

MILLAMORE Nesting Material is wood wool made from aspen. It is soft and dust-free and perfect for small animals and birds for nest-building, shelter and thermoregulatory control during resting and sleeping. It diversifies the cage environment, reduces stress and improves animal welfare. 👉https://millamore.com/products/nesting-material. #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #smallpet #nesting #mouse
Sept. 10

Discover the premium choice for your Guinea pigs with Millamore Extruded Complete Feed. Based on natural Timothy hay, the gluten-free formula is rich in fiber, free from artificial colors and flavors, ensuring a wholesome diet. #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #guineapig #smallpet
Aug. 27

A 100% natural Millamore Comfort and Comfort Plus shave bedding and litter made from Aspen wood in a convenient 25L pressed package. Suitable for rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice, degus, chinchillas, ferrets, birds, and reptiles. #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #smallpet #aspen #comfort
Juuli 31