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Pourquoi Millamore ?

100 % naturel –
sain et sûr

Produit à partir
de bioénergie

Recommandé par les vétérinaires et
les professionnels du bien-être animal

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Notre objectif a toujours été d’offrir aux petits animaux et à leurs propriétaires une vie naturelle et saine. Nous avons commencé à coopérer avec le Fonds de conservation de la nature en Estonie pour contribuer au pacte climatique de la Commission européenne et à l’appel à planter 3 milliards d’arbres en Europe. Nous sommes fiers de pouvoir dire que l’équipe de Millamore plante 5 000 arbres chaque année.

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Millamore feed will help provide your pet with essential protein, fiber, nutrients and vitamins that are required to keep their teeth, skin and bones healthy. Therefore, this feed is a great addition to your pets’ everyday hay and vegetable diet.  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #guineapig #rabbit
A clean cage is essential to the well-being of any small animal and therefore it is important to choose the right bedding for your little friend. Choosing the right bedding, feed and toys comes down to a few factors, but the most important one is preserving the health and quality of life for your pet.  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #smallpet #rat
National Animal Advocacy Day, celebrated on April 30 every year, is a special day to honor, respect, and celebrate every animal advocate who works tirelessly to save animals from abuse, exploitation, and cruelty.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #smallpet #advocacyday
Have a fun Friday😀. #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #smallpet #snake #joke #friday s
Millamore cardboard tunnels for small animals to play, work out, reduce stress and create a positive environment. Made of recycled cardboard, no added chemicals.  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #smallpet #rat
Bedding for reptiles: snakes, geckos, turtles, iguanas
and animals which are hairless or have sensitive skin.  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #reptile #turtle #smallpet
Have a terrific Tuesday😀. #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #mouse #smallpet #joke
Rodents’ teeth grow continuously from birth and must regularly be used for gnawing to keep them worn down and sharp. MILLAMORE special bricks, designed for chewing and gnawing, will help animals satisfy their natural instincts and exercise their teeth and gums, promoting dental health.  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #guineapig #teeth #gnawing
Rabbit fact🐰  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #millamorebedding #smallpet #rabbit
MILLAMORE Nesting Material is wood wool made
from aspen. It is soft and dust-free and perfect for
small animals and birds for nest-building, shelter and thermoregulatory control during resting and sleeping.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #smallpet #aspen
National Ferret Day is an attempt by lovers of these remarkable and resilient creatures to make people fall in love with them💚. #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #ferrets
Happy-hoppy Easter🐣🐰. #millamore #millamorehappypet #easter #bunny #bunnylove
Millamore tunnels give small animals the perfect opportunity to play, work out, reduce stress and create a positive environment.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #tunnels #smallpet
Millamore Timothy Hay is the perfect choice!  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #timothyhay #smallpet
Spring is finally here!💚 #millamore #millamorehappypet #spring #bunny #bunnylove
Millamore feed will help provide your pet with essential protein,fiber, nutrients and vitamins that are required to keep their teeth, skin and bones healthy. Therefore, this feed is a great addition to your pets’ everyday hay and vegetable diet.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorefeed #bunny #bunnylove #summerbody
A good amount of quality bedding will go a long
way to ensure that your pet stays happy and healthy!  #millamore #millamorebedding #millamorehappypet #smallpet
Have a fun Friday!  #millamore #millamorehappypet #friday #joke #hamstergram #smallpet
Everything for your small pets> millamore.com  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #millamorefeed #smallpet
👉Why is your ferret so clumsy? Ferrets are generally uncoordinated and clumsy, and their vision is poor.  #millamore #millamorehappypet #millamorebedding #ferret #facts #smallpets